3rd Annual CAV Forum in conjunction with AidEx 2024
Registration is FREE and RESTRICTED to members of the civilian armoured vehicle industry.
For details of eligibility and registration, please use the following link.
Download the full 3rd Annual CAV Forum Program
Armoured Consulting has teamed up again with AidEx to present the 3rd Annual CAV Forum 2024.
This event is unique being the only global programme that focuses exclusively on the major issues influencing and affecting civilian armoured vehicle fleets for the diplomatic corps, NGO, aid and development community.
The programme begins with a live firing demonstration on the day before AidEx, followed by a programme of discussions and learning which will all be held at the AidEx Exhibition in Geneva.
Forum Speakers
We are very excited to bring some of the world's leading experts to this year's CAV Forum.
Having them share their experiences and expertise with the Forum will enable attendees to be better informed and aware of the complex issues and challenges that face procurement agencies, fleet managers and users of civilian armoured. vehicles.
Registration is FREE and RESTRICTED to members of the civilian armoured vehicle industry.For details of eligibility and registration, please use the following link.
Download the full 3rd Annual CAV Forum Program