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As part of the 3rd Annual CAV Forum, Ian gave a detailed explanation and practical demonstration as to the range of communication systems typically installed into civilian armoured vehicles and the various technical challenges commonly experienced when ensuring that such equipment woks effectively and efficiently.

The recording can be accessed by clicking onto the graphic below.

Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel to receive notification of the release of all our new video presentations.

Armoured Vehicles - Communications Systems - Ian Marriott

As part of our 3rd Annual Civilian Armoured Vehicle Forum, Chris Game gave a very informative presentation as to the important issues of vehicle mobility testing and the PAS 301 standard which is very much applicable for vehicle mobility testing of a civilian armoured vehicle

The recording can be accessed by clicking onto the graphic below.

Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel to receive notification of the release of all our new video presentations.

Armoured Vehicles - Vehicle Mobility Testing - Chris Game

As part of our 3rd Annual Civilian Armoured Vehicle Forum, Stephane Ostertag gave a presentation as to the importance, essentials and challenges in providing armoured vehicle driver training around the world.

The recording can be accessed by clicking onto the graphic below.

Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel to receive notification of the release of all our new video presentations.

Armoured Vehicles - Driver Training - Stephane Ostertag
Armoured Vehicles - Driver Training - Stephane Ostertag

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